Smoke Shop Retailer and Consumer Loyalty

  • Marketer Edition

  • RMS & Magento
  • United States

Overview: Who Is Emerson’s Cigars?

Emerson’s Cigars is a multi-store cigar retailer that operates four cigar stores in Virginia. From selection to service, Emerson’s Cigars provides much more than just a place to buy cigars. Emerson’s allows its customers to purchase cigars and gain insight into their products and the mysterious world from which they originate. From their comprehensive selection, product knowledge, low prices, and social media presence to interactive events – Emerson’s provides the total cigar experience.

The Challenge

Emerson’s Cigars expanded to four store locations over the past few years. They were looking for a way to better connect with their customer base while providing more expansive promotions and creating an omnichannel purchasing experience. Also, maintaining one of the largest online cigar catalogs was incredibly challenging without a clear, real-time view of their individual product inventory.

Emerson needed to efficiently support its online and in-store promotions and manage an omnichannel marketing strategy through a single solution that leveraged its existing investments in the Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System (RMS) and Magento eCommerce platform. These essential integrations were a driving motivation in their selection of a loyalty platform.

The Solution

bLoyal worked with Emerson’s to launch a flexible rewards program with targeted promotions and an omnichannel engagement strategy that seamlessly unites their in-store and online sales channels.

We integrated the bLoyal Marketer Edition with Microsoft Dynamics RMS and Magento to provide a seamless experience for Emerson’s customers and staff. Their program includes easy in-store and omnichannel signup options, marketing campaigns, event registrations, omnichannel inventory management, sophisticated SKU-level promotions, and loyalty benefits wherever customers shop. bLoyal provided Emerson’s with omnichannel capabilities enabling them to compete with major online retailers and efficiently manage their business to expand to additional locations.