Introducing Not-for-Profit Loyalty Programs and Solutions

As a not-for-profit organization, you already understand the value of recurring donor loyalty and stewardship, but you likely still face many challenges both with awareness marketing and donor engagement. Not-for-profit loyalty programs can help alleviate many of those concerns by offering more rewarding experiences, personalized engagements, automated processes, and incentives to keep funding coming your way.

bLoyal helps not-for-profit organizations easily add, connect with, and reward shoppers and donors with frequent engagement and purchase incentives.

bLoyal’s not-for-profit rewards program software takes member loyalty a step further by putting advanced tools at your fingertips to attract new members’ attention and build stronger awareness, emotional connections, and customer loyalty with existing or prior contributors.

Not-for-profit organizations and their employees have limited resources, yet they still need processes to attract new interest and engage prior donors efficiently. bLoyal offers customer loyalty programs with everything you need for outbound marketing, program segmentation, personalized engagement, and recurring order processing through a single user interface.

nonprofit loyalty programs

bLoyal Not-for-Profit Loyalty Programs Examples and Features

Our not-for-profit loyalty reward system is available in multiple “editions” that allow you to choose only what you need now, with options to infinitely scale up later.

  • Advanced order processing options integrate with your website for a seamless online and offline experience.
  • Donors can opt-in for recurring payments or subscriptions, and you can offer exclusive member benefits, tiered membership programs, spend-based loyalty programs, and much more.
  • Members can sign up through your website, social media, or text-to-join, or you can enroll them during phone or in-person transactions.
  • Member information is automatically stored in our 360 customer relationship management system (CRM) so you can see each member’s history, engagements, preferences, and more.
  • Use bLoyal’s market segmentation tools to communicate effectively with your members based on what matters most to them.
  • You’ll no longer need to worry about maintaining different databases or spreadsheets for sending out newsletters or announcements because outbound marketing is a built-in feature, and you can even send out surveys to get direct feedback from your members.
  • bLoyal includes over 70 standard reports directly out of the box and custom reporting options so that you can analyze the effectiveness of your loyalty and marketing campaigns.
  • Customizable user dashboards give program leaders useful performance information at a glance.
  • Members can sign in online or through a mobile web app to edit their profile information, preferences, or monthly commitments.
  • If you accept online donations or sell merchandise through your website, bLoyal eCommerce integrations keep your information in sync across all channels, and we’re PCI-Compliant, so you can be confident that your contributors’ transactions are secure.

Not-for-Profit Types

  • Civic Leagues
  • Social Welfare
  • Local Associations
  • Labor, Agricultural, and Horticultural Organizations
  • Business Leagues
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Real Estate Boards
  • Co-ops
  • Social and Recreational Clubs
  • Volunteer Organizations

Best Not-for-Profit Loyalty Programs for Not-for-Profits

If you’re looking for unique loyalty programs with intuitive ways to strengthen your brand loyalty, boost stewardship, and increase the value of your member donations, get in touch today. The bLoyal system is available for integration with many point-of-sale, merchant processing, and back-office systems. We offer custom integrations for any systems that we don’t currently support.

By prioritizing customer retention through initiatives like bLoyal, not-for-profits can amplify their impact while delivering exceptional customer service experiences that cultivate long-lasting customer loyalty with their community of supporters.

Call us to schedule a bLoyal demonstration and learn more about how to create membership loyalty schemes and rewards programs that will benefit your not-for-profit organization.