Most times, as brand owners and strategists, we plan what we want to offer (loyalty programs, promotions, and other offers) without considering the most important part of the loyalty equation…the customer! Sometimes, it is better to go back to the source to determine the right type of loyalty and incentive campaign that will drive incremental sales and customer satisfaction.
That is why we created this template, filled with strategic questions to help understand your customer base and to find a strategy that will move the needle to help you reach your goals.
Loyalty Program Survey Questions
Demographic Questions
These require less effort for customers to fill out than customer experience ones. Made up mainly of multiple-choice questions, it also takes less time and is effective for customers who don’t have the time to prioritize questionnaires. This is a simple way for companies to collect data about their customer base which will then help them understand their target audience in the future when planning campaigns.
Tell us about yourself
- Name, age, gender
- Where are you located?
Customer Experience Questions
The following questions give you insight into how customers feel about your company and identify your Net Promoter Index. Even if you have an excellent product, your brand’s reputation may be the cause of customer churn. Your marketing team should pay close attention to the why, how, where, and when your customer looks for your brand to see how they can improve the customer experience.
What is your primary reason for shopping at _______?
- Product or Service
- Product or Service
- Product or Service
For how long have you been buying at _______?
- 0-5 years
- 5-10 years
- 10-15 years
- 15-20 years
- 20 years and above
How often do you shop with _______?
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Semi annually
- Yearly
- Bi-Annually
How likely are you to expand the use of our services?
- Very likely
- Likely
- Neutral
- Somewhat unlikely
- Not likely
How willing would you be to recommend ______ to a friend?
- Very likely
- Likely
- Neutral
- Somewhat unlikely
- Not likely
Strategic Loyalty Questions
With these questions, your team can get inspiration for the company’s next loyalty strategy. Think of the responses as a wish list from your customers — you can discover what type of rewards are most valuable to them or if they would be interested in something else.
Please rate how interested you would be in a _______ loyalty program?
- Extremely interested
- Very interested
- Neutral
- Not interested
Please rank the following reward options
- Product Discounts
- Gift Certificates
- Free Items
- Free services
- Other
How often would you expect to be rewarded?
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Semi-annually
- Yearly
- Bi-Annually
Are you interested in a subscribe and save or membership option?
How often would you want to hear about loyalty program only promotions?
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Semi-annually
- Yearly
Do you prefer to be contacted via email or text?
- Text