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Customer Lifetime Value

Tips & Tricks to Start Your Pet Store Loyalty Program

By |2023-02-07T12:02:14-08:00June 9th, 2022|Features, How To, Loyalty|

Tips & Tricks to Start Your Pet Store Loyalty Program At bLoyal we are privileged to work with many pet stores that span family-run stores to hundreds of location Enterprises globally. During this time, we have assisted and helped create many different marketing strategies, promotions, and membership programs for the pet store industry. And

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Customer Lifetime Value and Segmentation

By |2022-04-13T14:45:09-07:00April 13th, 2022|Loyalty|

CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE & SEGMENTATION Summary: Customer lifetime value (CLV) is one of the most important key performance indicators for almost all retailers. How it’s defined is not as set in stone as you might think, though. With the addition of omnichannel loyalty software, businesses with offline points of sale now have the ability

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How Loyalty Maximizes Customer Lifetime Value

By |2022-03-29T13:27:14-07:00March 29th, 2022|Loyalty|

How Loyalty Maximizes Customer Lifetime Value What is Lifetime Value? Customer lifetime value (CLV), also known as lifetime customer value (LCV), or life-time value (LTV), is a prediction of the net profit generated by a customer during their entire relationship with you. In simpler terms, as its name suggests, it represents a customer's

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